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Rolling Bearing Grease, Heavy Duty, Bucket Container, 12.5 kg Container, Mineral Oil Base, Paste Form, Light Brown, Characteristic Odor/Scent, -40 to 130 deg C, <gt/>200 deg C Flash Point, 245 sq-mm/s at 40 deg C/20 sq-mm/s at 100 deg C Viscosity, NL


Rolling Bearing Grease, Heavy Duty, Bucket Container, 12.5 kg Container, Mineral Oil Base, Paste Form, Light Brown, Characteristic Odor/Scent, -40 to 130 deg C, <gt/>200 deg C Flash Point, 245 sq-mm/s at 40 deg C/20 sq-mm/s at 100 deg C Viscosity, NL

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IBT #91144032483

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FAG ARCANOL-LOAD220-12,5KGRolling Bearing Grease, Heavy Duty, Bucket Container, 12.5 kg Container, Mineral Oil Base, Paste Form, Light Brown, Characteristic Odor/Scent, -40 to 130 deg C, <gt/>200 deg C Flash Point, 245 sq-mm/s at 40 deg C/20 sq-mm/s at 100 deg C Viscosity, NL

IBT #91144032483


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Factory Order
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